Saturday, 30 July 2011

A Way to Help The Poetry Society?

In 2005 when Ruth Padel was chair (of the Board of Trustees of the Poetry Society?) an EGM passed a resolution to replace the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Poetry Society with a new, updated version. If the members now were to requisition another EGM might it be possible to make another change in the constitution now? It is clear that there is no shortage of strength to mobilise for such a requisition. The Poetry Society has many many stalwart members who are not at all put off by the hard work of joining in with the action and debate we are currently in the middle of. In fact as Kate Clanchy says - it is a source of optimism to see such unflagging support from everyone.
I was reading the Poetry Society's constitution and Under heading 4,  'Powers',  the constitution states:
'To further its objects the Society may.....
and then  4.16 says: '...subject to any consent required by law, dispose of or deal with all or any of its property with or without payment and subject to such conditions as the Trustees think fit;'

Presumably the building is its property and so is the magazine and yet if instead of ending : ' the Trustees think fit;' it added: '...provided that the majority of the membership has had the opportunity to express its wishes and votes in agreement with the change.'
Then that would avoid a situation like the one we have now wouldn't it? Or at least it might make it less likely. It would be democratic wouldn't it?

I'm sure a more legally minded person than me would be better at thinking up a new wording...
But if Ruth Padel in her day could get a new constitution instated then whoever the new Chair is come September could do the same.
The question of the editorship needn't be a stumbling block after that. No-one wants the editor to resign, she is very very good at her job and one or two editors in the past have held long tenures. What matters is having a solid constitution and when at some point a new editor does take over the post, their contract would be renewed under terms decided according to the new constitution.


  1. This is a good idea; let's hope the new board takes on board -as it were - that issues of transparency and communication with members have been key in this mess, and that they look at how they can show the members that the Society will act democratically at all times.

  2. That sounds very sound to me, particularly in the light of the fact that the Board has asked for a valuation of Betterton Street and is in the process of arranging overdraft facilities.
