Monday, 10 December 2012

Schubert's glasses - The Glassblower's Daughter another year on

Schubert's glasses
Why does having a book published seem unreal? I know The Glassblower's Daughter exists but the book I'm working on is the only one that feels real. And it's too difficult to write so I'm stuck. So I don't take any notice of any of them and months go by. Then yesterday someone pointed out a really sweet review of it (Glassblower's Daughter) to me and on the same webpage I found that loads of other people had been reading it and 20 or so of them had reviewed it (oh yes-  VERY mixed!) And then I found out it is stocked in the Apple ebook store and so is Unusual Salami.  I was  touched to find that the readers are out there, reading. So I went online to view my sales figures and I am heading for 3000 downloads. As my heroine Charlotte Bronte might have said - Thank you, dear readers.
Well, let that be a lesson to me. Just because I'm stuck it doesn't mean that everything else to do with me is. Here's hoping that with that small flash of comprehension I will from now on see more clearly - as though I were looking through the spectacles of Schubert, let us say, as I am doing in this picture.

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